The Modern Day Hirondelle

I saw the poster at Rachel’s in Tsawwassen, our local art and memorabilia shop, and had to buy it for our new Deta Pedego electric bike store.

Its an iconic poster from early 1900’s France, – a poster of the various types and models of bicycles at the time. Its fascinating to see just how many of the bikes have transcended time. While Britain’s Pennyfarthing was unique its design, it was not very practical. But nothing matches the style and elegance of the original bicycles ‘way back when’, as my son would say when he was a little tyke.

It was neat to see the Tandem, the TriPorteur, the Sport and City bikes- but the one that caught my eye was the Hirondelle – and not just because it was the last name of my first ever girlfriend.

That is perhaps why I love the curves of this bike and its modern-day equivalent –  the Pedego Boomerang – which you will find in our store today at Delta Pedago

If you told me that I could have only ONE bike model to sell at Delta Pedego, I would keep coming back to the Boomerang.

It’s at once, stylish in design, and stellar in its technical composition – one of the most powerful electrical assisted bikes in the market with a 48Volt, 15Ah ,500 Watt battery giving  it both acceleration and endurance, which gives many new riders the confidence to go just a little bit further, and just a little  bit faster on open trails around the bay.

In fact, some of our guests have ridden ‘around the bay’ from Boundary Bay to Crescent  Beach on them.

With memory foam seats, adjustable handlebars and seats, the Boomerang makes for a comfortable and safe ride (lower center of gravity).

They are in popular and in demand, but not unattainable.  We are taking deposits for the Boomerang right now for the containers arriving in July, August, and September.

Come by our store and take it for a test drive and find out for yourself if it can support your eBiking needs and desires.

You just may want to come back and buy one of these modern- day Hirondelles!